Financial Tips

You Should Have a Medical ID on Your Phone

You Should Have a Medical ID on Your Phone

Imagine you are in an accident or have a medical emergency. That can certainly be a scary situation. But what if you could not speak or were unconscious? How would the first responders or medical professionals know whether you have any ongoing medical conditions, food or drug allergies, what medications you are currently taking, or what blood type you are?

Don’t Fall for These Common Financial Scams

Don’t Fall for These Common Financial Scams

Everyone, young and old alike, can be a target for fraud. In 2018, the Federal Trade Commission collected 1.4 million fraud reports. People reported losing a whopping $1.48 billion to fraud in 2018, which is an increase of 38% from 2017.  Of people that included their age in reports, those aged 20-29 reported the loss of money in 43% of reports compared to 15% for those aged 70-79. However, the loss amount reported was nearly twice as high for ages 70-79.

Managing Sequence of Returns Risk

Managing Sequence of Returns Risk

A retirement calculator is a great tool for most investors. It lets you input a number of variables such as current age, planned retirement age, annual salary, annual savings, current retirement savings balance, and expected annual return and the calculator computes your estimated accumulated retirement account balance at retirement. Some calculators will even translate that lump-sum balance into an annual withdrawal amount. This is a straight-forward way to see if you are on track to meet your retirement goals and compare what you have with what you will need. If you don’t like your results, you can play with the inputs to determine what changes you should make.

Understanding Credit Card Reward Programs

Understanding Credit Card Reward Programs

How often in the past month have you received a credit card offer with a large sign-up bonus and lofty on-going rewards? Sign-up bonuses can be a flat dollar amount, say $500, or a promise to match any cash back rewards you may earn within the first 3 months. On-going rewards can be cash, points, or travel perks. No matter your need there is sure to be a credit card issuer out there trying to entice you to sign up for their card. Some people accept the sign-up bonus and on-going rewards and don’t think twice about it. Others, though, see these offers and wonder, “What’s the catch?”

How Often Should You Check Your Portfolio?

How Often Should You Check Your Portfolio?

It goes without saying, this has been a challenging year for investors. Every asset class has experienced significant loss at one point or another – International Equities, US Bonds, and recently, US Equities. As much as we say uncertainty and risk of loss is the cost of realizing long-term capital returns, times like this can make even the most rational long-term investor fear the future. 

Mortgage Interest Deductibility Maze: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017

Mortgage Interest Deductibility Maze: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017

On December 22nd, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 signed into law changed the tax landscape for individuals and corporations. Although there are many modifications to the tax code that will affect all Americans, the mortgage interest itemized deduction directly affects current and future homeowners.