Goal Planning

Considerations When Determining Your Income Replacement Rate

Considerations When Determining Your Income Replacement Rate

For someone saving toward retirement, one of the most fundamental questions is, “How much of my preretirement income will need to be replaced once I am no longer working?”. Determining an accurate answer to this question is essential because it is directly linked to another critical question, which is, “How much should I be saving?”. Using a one size fits all approach to answering these questions could be detrimental to your financial plan since everyone’s situation is unique.

How Are You Investing Your Most Valuable Asset: Time

How Are You Investing Your Most Valuable Asset: Time

Whether or not you have an interest in sports, you have likely heard about the helicopter crash involving Kobe Bryant, his 13-year-old daughter Gianna, and the seven other people on board who lost their lives. As reported, eight seconds after losing communication with the helicopter, it plummeted at a rate of descent increasing to over 4,000 feet per minute, traveling about 185 mph on impact. The families on the aircraft were all on their way to a children's travel basketball game.