Student Loans — Learning Center | Highland Financial Advisors

Student Loans

Reducing Student Loan Balances Using Programs Offered

Reducing Student Loan Balances Using Programs Offered

Student loan payments resumed on October 1st after over three years of forbearance. More than 30 million people are returning with existing loans, and 13 million new borrowers and recent graduates are entering the system for the first time since the Covid-related forbearance. Regardless of whether everything is appropriately structured for the first federal loan payment, you should still review your student loans to ensure everything is in order and understand your new payment. 


Student Loan Forgiveness

Student Loan Forgiveness

U.S. college tuition costs have skyrocketed over the last few decades, leading to an unprecedented number of students needing to finance the burden through student loans. As of August 2022, student loan borrowers owed a collective nearly $1,750,000,000,000 in federal and private student loan debt, with the average borrower owing $28,950.
