Financial Planning

The Importance of Cash Flow in Financial Planning

The Importance of Cash Flow in Financial Planning

In this video, Joe Goldy from Highland Financial Advisors discusses the significance of cash flow as a critical tool in financial planning, emphasizing its universal application for all clients, particularly divorcees. He distinguishes cash flow from a budget and outlines its three main benefits: providing peace of mind by showing clear income and expenses, being a reusable tool for various financial scenarios, and aiding divorcees in accurately filling out the Case Information Statement.

Understanding the Pros and Cons of Rental Property Ownership

Understanding the Pros and Cons of Rental Property Ownership

A common question I often hear from clients considering purchasing a rental property or who may have just inherited one through the passing of a family member or divorce is whether they should manage the property themselves or hire a professional management company.

Five Key Reasons to Choose a Roth 401(k) Over a Pre-tax 401(k)

Five Key Reasons to Choose a Roth 401(k) Over a Pre-tax 401(k)

The decision between a Roth 401(k) and a Pre-tax 401(k) can significantly impact your financial future. While both accounts offer unique advantages, certain scenarios may make a Roth 401(k) a more attractive option. This article delves into the top five reasons you might consider a Roth 401(k) over its Pre-tax counterpart.

Mastering Financial Health: Step Two - Understanding and Managing Cash Compensation

Mastering Financial Health: Step Two - Understanding and Managing Cash Compensation

In this video, AnnaMarie Mock, a Certified Financial Planner™, focuses on the second step in her series for pharmaceutical executives, emphasizing the importance of cash compensation in financial planning. She compares compensation to a banana split, with cash compensation as the essential component. Mock advises managing lifestyle expenses based on a stable salary rather than variable bonuses and highlights the need for a spending plan.

Year-End Tax Planning Strategies

Year-End Tax Planning Strategies

As the year draws to a close, it's the perfect time to look at your finances and implement year-end tax planning strategies. With careful planning, you can optimize your tax situation, reduce your tax liability, and save more money for the future. In this article, we'll explore various tax planning strategies that individuals and families can consider to maximize their financial situation before the year-end.

A Challenging Time for Divorcees Who Keep the Marital Home

A Challenging Time for Divorcees Who Keep the Marital Home

I recently read an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal about how anyone with a low-rate mortgage may not realize the actual value of their asset. In the current world of 7%-8% mortgage rates, anybody with a sub-4% mortgage rate owns a precious asset. Viewing a loan that needs to be repaid as an asset is counterintuitive. But any loan from a bank at 3.5% when rates on Treasury Bills and CDs are at 5% has significant value. By the Journal author's estimate, some $1 trillion in value has passed from banks and bondholders to homeowners. 

High Rates Don't Put the Brakes on Stocks

High Rates Don't Put the Brakes on Stocks

Some investors have asked if stocks make sense in a world where short-term US Treasuries yield north of 5.5%. 1 While a notable relationship exists between high short-term interest rates and stock market returns, it's important to understand that correlation does not imply causation. Here's a breakdown of the dynamics:

Why Stock Valuations Are Not Predictive of Future Portfolio Returns

Why Stock Valuations Are Not Predictive of Future Portfolio Returns

Financial markets are complex and unpredictable. Valuation metrics, such as price-to-earnings (P/E) ratios, enterprise value-to-EBITDA, and the price-to-book (P/B) ratio, have traditionally been seen as indicators of a stock's intrinsic worth and, by some, predictors of future returns. However, the belief that valuations can reliably forecast future markets deserves a deeper investigation into why they may not serve as a crystal ball for investors. 

Three Questions Answered Regarding your Company's Restricted Stock Units (RSUs)

Three Questions Answered Regarding your Company's Restricted Stock Units (RSUs)

A Restricted Stock Unit (RSU) is a form of compensation that some companies use to reward their employees. RSUs represent a promise to give an employee a certain number of shares of company stock at a future date, typically once certain conditions are met, such as a specified vesting period or performance goals. RSUs are a common form of equity-based compensation used in publicly traded and private companies.

How to Find a Good CPA

How to Find a Good CPA

If you are a reader of the Wall Street Journal, you may have seen three articles in the past nine months that addressed the issue of a significant shortage of accountants. According to the most recent data from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the number of US students graduating with either a bachelor’s or master’s degree in accounting dropped 7.4% during the 2021–22 academic year from the year before, the largest one-year decline since at least 1994–95.

Reducing Student Loan Balances Using Programs Offered

Reducing Student Loan Balances Using Programs Offered

Student loan payments resumed on October 1st after over three years of forbearance. More than 30 million people are returning with existing loans, and 13 million new borrowers and recent graduates are entering the system for the first time since the Covid-related forbearance. Regardless of whether everything is appropriately structured for the first federal loan payment, you should still review your student loans to ensure everything is in order and understand your new payment. 

3 Reasons Every High Net-Worth Family Should Fund a Health Savings Account

3 Reasons Every High Net-Worth Family Should Fund a Health Savings Account

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are not only a savvy investment option but also offer numerous benefits, especially for high-net-worth families. An HSA is a tax-advantaged savings account designed for individuals with high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) to help cover out-of-pocket medical expenses. While the utility of HSAs is universal, they hold advantages for high-net-worth families and have steadily grown in popularity since their inception.

How Money Can Buy Happiness (Part 2)

How Money Can Buy Happiness (Part 2)

Earlier this year, I explained two principles you can follow to obtain the most happiness from your spending In today’s article, I will cover three more concepts that can help bring more joy in your life with your spending. Below are the five principles outlined in the book Happy Money.

A Look Back at The First Half of 2023

A Look Back at The First Half of 2023

The S&P 500 index rose 16.9% on a total return basis over the first half of of 2023. If you factor in July, the index is up over 20%. After a challenging year for investors in 2022, when the index lost almost 20%, it’s hard to complain about this year’s progress. With the S&P nearly doubling the long-term average annual return in 2023, it’s easy to say the market is healthy and all companies are doing well, right?

4 Fundamentals of Financial Planning Success… and to Becoming a Better Pool Player

4 Fundamentals of Financial Planning Success… and to Becoming a Better Pool Player

Ever since I was a teenager and first watched the movie The Hustler, I’ve been hooked on shooting pool. I loved watching the two main characters, Fast Eddie Felson, played by Paul Newman, and Minnesota Fats, played by Jackie Gleason, battle it out on the pool table.

The Pass-Through Entity Tax

The Pass-Through Entity Tax

The "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" (TCJA) of 2017 brought a significant shift in the taxation landscape for individuals and businesses. One of the changes was the $10,000 cap on deductions for state and local taxes (SALT). This limit impacted the tax strategy of many high-tax states, pushing them to find ways to mitigate the impact of this cap on their taxpayers.

Investment Diversification Strategy: Just How Diversified Are You?

Investment Diversification Strategy: Just How Diversified Are You?

One of the most fundamental principles of investing is diversification. Diversification does not overload your portfolio into any investment but instead spreads the risk across different areas. Ideally, your portfolio is invested in several diverse types of investments, but as you'll see below, there is more to diversification than buying stocks, bonds, or funds.